
Building Products Plus supplies a complete line of farm and ranch supplies to Houston, Bay City, and the Central Texas and Gulf Coast region. Contact the location nearest you to get a quote for your long lasting farm and ranch materials.
Pine Wood Shavings & Engineered Wood Fiber in Houston
Get clean, dry, pine wood shavings in approximately 40 lb bags. The bags are durable and breathable to maintain your wood shavings freshness and fluff. One of our most popular farm and ranch supplies, these excellent quality wood shavings are in high demand so call us to check shavings stock before coming to pick them up. Delivery is available for a nominal charge.
We also offer engineered wood fiber to be used in horse arenas or similar applications. Our uniquely engineered wood fiber products are made of 100% virgin wood and only shows minimal bark content and is free of twigs, leaf debris and other organic material.
Treated Fence Posts
Order any size fence posts you need from 3" and 4" line posts up to 10" corner posts. The standard treatment for fence posts is .40 pcf for ground contact or you can custom order fence posts with any of multiple treatment types and levels. Learn more abouttreated fence posts from Building Products Plus.
Double the life of your fence posts with Polyshield wood coating, a special engineered protective.
Wood coating thatextends the life of wood by defending it against attack from fungus and wood boring insects. Your posts can be fully coated or partially coated to protect the post at the ground line. Learn more about long lasting polymer coated fence posts from Building Products Plus.
Corral Boards & Lumber
Get all the corral boards and lumber you need to complete your farm's pens and corrals. Effectively treated lumber from Building Products Plus will look great stay strong for decades. With a complete stock of treated lumber and corral boards we have everything you need for your farm and ranch construction needs. Learn more about treated lumber from Building Products Plus.
Barn Poles — Round & Square
Pole barns are easy to build, strong, and affordable. Call the location nearest you to get a quote for your pole barn poles and the other treated lumber you need to build your barn. Poles are available in nearly any size including diameters from 3" to 12" and lengths from 8' to 55' (in stock). Square barn poles (timbers) are available in sizes from 6x6 to 12x12 and lengths from 8' to 44'.
Custom Ranch Gates
We build custom ranch gates and custom entrance gates to your specification. Choose any wood, any design, and any metal component to get the gate you wish. We also offer design assistance as well as help with the structural components (timbers, pilings, etc.) of your gate.
Contact the location nearest you for a quote on your farm and ranch supplies.